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              Bio-Burden Reduction Grade PTFE Filter Cartridge
              • Bio-Burden Reduction Grade PTFE Filter CartridgeBio-Burden Reduction Grade PTFE Filter Cartridge
              • Bio-Burden Reduction Grade PTFE Filter CartridgeBio-Burden Reduction Grade PTFE Filter Cartridge
              • Bio-Burden Reduction Grade PTFE Filter CartridgeBio-Burden Reduction Grade PTFE Filter Cartridge
              • Bio-Burden Reduction Grade PTFE Filter CartridgeBio-Burden Reduction Grade PTFE Filter Cartridge
              • Bio-Burden Reduction Grade PTFE Filter CartridgeBio-Burden Reduction Grade PTFE Filter Cartridge
              • Bio-Burden Reduction Grade PTFE Filter CartridgeBio-Burden Reduction Grade PTFE Filter Cartridge
              • Bio-Burden Reduction Grade PTFE Filter CartridgeBio-Burden Reduction Grade PTFE Filter Cartridge
              • Bio-Burden Reduction Grade PTFE Filter CartridgeBio-Burden Reduction Grade PTFE Filter Cartridge
              • Bio-Burden Reduction Grade PTFE Filter CartridgeBio-Burden Reduction Grade PTFE Filter Cartridge

              Bio-Burden Reduction Grade PTFE Filter Cartridge

              You're welcome to purchase our OEM Bio-Burden Reduction Grade PTFE Filter Cartridge, which offers exceptional performance and quality. PTFE cartridges are made with absolute precision PTFE membranes and each cartridge is 100% integrity tested in the manufacturing process. This ensures effective bacterial removal and long service life. The natural hydrophobicity of PTFE ensures high gas flux and bacterial removal even under high humidity conditions. The inherent chemical inertness of PTFE membranes ensures broad chemical compatibility. Pore sizes are available in 0.1µm and 0.2µm.

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              Product Description

              The PTFE cartridge is a high retention hydrophobic PTFE membrane filter with polypropylene components designed for critical liquid and gas sterilisation applications. The PTFE membrane offers excellent chemical compatibility and high flow rates per unit area for in-situ steam and hot gas applications. All filter elements are 100% integrity tested to ensure filtration performance every time they leave the factory. PTFE filter cartridges are ideally suited for critical applications requiring excellent flow rates and particle or microbial removal efficiencies. Pore sizes are available in 0.1µm and 0.2µm. Welcome to purchase our durable Bio-Burden Reduction Grade PTFE Filter Cartridges.

              Typical Applications


              ·Formulation Tank air feed

              ·RO and WFI storage tank

              ·Fermentation air feed

              ·Container purge air

              ·Aspetic packaging air


              ·100% integrity tested

              ·FDA food contact compliant

              ·Thermal bonding

              ·Non-fiber releasing


              5 to 40 inches (12.7 to 101.6 cm) nominal

              Outside Diameter:2.70 inches (7.0 cm) nominal


              Pore Size 0.2um
              Bubble Point ≥1.4 barg(IPA/Water)
              Water Intrusion ≤0.37ml/min

              Maximum operating parameters

              Differential Pressure

              ·Forward 80 psid (5.5 barg) at 20℃(68 °F)

              ·Reverse 40 psid (3.1 barg) at 44 ℃(75°℉)

              Operating Temperature 82℃(180 °℉) at 10 psid(6.9  barg)

              Recommended Changeout Pressure:35psid(2.4barg)


              The filters can also sanitized by hot water or common chemicals that are compatible with filter components.

              In-line Steam 135 ℃(275 °℉), 30 min, 200 cycles


              All components meet the specifications for biological safety per USP Class VI-121'C for plastics.

              Construction Materials

              Filter Membrane:ePTFE Membrane

              Media Support:Polypropylene

              End Caps: Polypropylene with embedded 316 ring

              Inner Core: SUS 316L perforated core

              Outer Cage: Polypropylene

              Sealing Method: Thermal Bonding

              O-rings: Buna, Viton(or FKM), EP, Silicone,Encapsulated Silicone,Encapsulated Viton (or FKM)

              Food Safety Compliance

              Materials of construction comply with FDA regulations for food and beverage contact use as detailed in the US Code of Federal Regulations, 21CFR.

              Materials used to produce filter media and hardware are safe for use in contact with foodstuffs in accordance with EU Directives 10/2011


              PORE SIZE



              INNER CORE



















              x=213Inter o-ring

              S=Stainless steel






              TV=Fep encapsulated viton

              TS=Fep encapsulated silicone

              S= With SS reinfocement

              Bio-Burden Reduction Grade PTFE Filter CartridgeBio-Burden Reduction Grade PTFE Filter CartridgeBio-Burden Reduction Grade PTFE Filter CartridgeBio-Burden Reduction Grade PTFE Filter CartridgeBio-Burden Reduction Grade PTFE Filter CartridgeBio-Burden Reduction Grade PTFE Filter CartridgeBio-Burden Reduction Grade PTFE Filter CartridgeBio-Burden Reduction Grade PTFE Filter CartridgeBio-Burden Reduction Grade PTFE Filter CartridgeBio-Burden Reduction Grade PTFE Filter CartridgeBio-Burden Reduction Grade PTFE Filter CartridgeBio-Burden Reduction Grade PTFE Filter CartridgeBio-Burden Reduction Grade PTFE Filter CartridgeBio-Burden Reduction Grade PTFE Filter CartridgeBio-Burden Reduction Grade PTFE Filter CartridgeBio-Burden Reduction Grade PTFE Filter Cartridge

              Hot Tags: Bio-Burden Reduction Grade PTFE Filter Cartridge, Manufacturer, Supplier, Factory, Durable, Advanced, Customized, Standardized Dimensions
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